Our faculty are a diverse group who are highly skilled in religious scholarship in their respective areas of study and deeply committed to God. Your professors will use a balanced, holistic approach in their classes, preparing you for your planned career while taking a genuine interest in your needs, interests, and experience at WWU.

Carl P. Cosaert
Dean, Professor of Biblical Studies: Greek and New Testament
(509) 527-2194 | carl.cosaert@noujcf.com
Administration Building 304
Education: Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2005; M.Div., Andrews University, 1993; M.A., Nazarene Theological Seminary
Research interests: New Testament textual criticism and early church history.

Tiago Arrais
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies: Theology and Old Testament
(509) 527-2373 | tiago.arrais@noujcf.com
Administration Building 324
Education: Ph.D., Andrews University, 2016; M.A., Andrews University, 2009
Research interests: Theology, philosophy, poetry, and literature.

Brant Berglin
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies: Greek and New Testament
(509) 527-2186 | brant.berglin@noujcf.com
Administration Building 323
Education: Ph.D. candidate, Andrews University; M.A., Andrews University, 2001
Research interests: New Testament, biblical apocalyptic literature, biblical languages, and hermeneutics.

Mathilde Frey
Professor of Biblical Studies: Old Testament and Hebrew
(509) 527-2379 | mathilde.frey@noujcf.com
Administration Building 316
Education: Ph.D., Andrews University, 2011; M.Div., Andrews University, 2004
Research Interests: Old Testament and Hebrew.
Paul Dybdahl
Professor of Mission and New Testament
(509) 527-2467 | paul.dybdahl@noujcf.com
Administration Building 310
Education: Ph.D., Andrews University, 2004; M.Div., Andrews University, 1995
Research interests: Missiology, world religions, and New Testament.

Pedrito Maynard-Reid
Professor of Biblical Studies and Missiology
(509) 527-2028 | pedrito.maynard-reid@noujcf.com
Education: Th.D., Andrews University, 1981; Th.M., Fuller University, 1995; M.Div., Andrews University, 1975; M.A., Andrews University, 1973
Research interests: Biblical studies, missiology, and worship.

Susan Bungard-Beck
Instructor of Religion
(509) 527-2610 | susan.bungard-beck@noujcf.com
Administration Building 309
Education: M.A., Walla Walla University, 2012; B.A., Walla Walla University, 1981
Research Interests: New Testament.